Elder Andrew D. Cook entered the MTC on January 15, 2014. I am excited to update as I know how he is doing, especially posting his mass emails.

Writing & Shipping information is found in the right hand column.

There is also a link to a few different translators to help us guess what Andrew said. :D Sometimes I get a better idea when I remove his ! from a word.

Friday, February 6, 2015

mass email FROM LAST WEEK

*Andrew didn't send an email. Oversite on his part. Here it is now.*

To Improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. -Winston Churchill.

President sent this guide on how to fast:

. The Model of Fasting (11 Steps)

1. Plan for the upcoming fast. Meditate on the purpose of your fast.
2. Begin fast with a kneeling prayer. Tell God the purpose of your fast.
3. Go 24 hours without food or drink.
4. Whenever hunger pains come use this as a reminder to pray again about the purpose of your fast. 
5. Express more gratitude in your prayer than asking.
6. Give a generous fast offering.
7. Bear your testimony in fast and testimony meeting.
8. Deny yourself all physical gratification during your fast.
9. Study the scriptures in the time you would have been eating.
10. After meetings go to your sacred grove and end your fast with a kneeling prayer.
11. Commit to be a better person and make plans with God how you will improve.

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