I am not sure How much time I will have to write individual emails, but I will try my hardest!
I am in Baguio for the first time! It is actually jacket worthy temperature here! It's a two hour bus ride, so we can only spend p-day here once a transfer!
It's like America here! but everything costs the same as america! :(
Zone activity: as I said before, I hosted a talent show. It was way fun! We played a game called 'Buko warrior' (that's coconut to you) The buko was covered in cooking oil, and then we tried to bring it back to our group. there were four groups, and only one person from each group went out at a time. I was told It's about the same as rugby, and everyone was bruised the next day, so It was not the best game for missionaries (we don't want missionaries not being able to work for injury) but it was very fun! I'm told it is also played with a live piglet. I am not sure how the pig would survive...
To say the least, this transfer has been the refiner's fire.
when I got sick before, It was the worst I had ever felt, I even was delusional at one point. but after questioning reality, my faith was made so much stronger...
Elder Baquiran and I had another fight, or rather discussion, But We had companionship inventory and I think he has forgiven me. He was still mad about two weeks ago, Last Thursday I wrote him a note apologizing, hoping it would help.
Yesterday it kind of blew up again, but that is when we had the discussion. I want so bad for this companionship to work out. I really think I can learn a lot from Elder Baquiran.
I was feeling kind of down after the discussion, so Elder Masame and I had a talk. He's Australian, and has a very lovely accent. He certainly has the spiritual gift of wisdom. He told me to stop what I was thinking, because it was certainly Satan trying to get me down, and take a look around. What splendid advice! here's what I saw.
The world is a lot scarier than I thought.
I am pretty much living alone right now, as in I am living with strangers half way around the world from everyone who cares about me (But I still have the Holy Ghost of course!)
And as Elder Scott (I think) said, "When you are alone, you see who you truly are!"
I am presented with a scarey situation, and now I can see how I will make choices. I can find out who I truly am!
The Lord trusts me enough to be a shepherd for his lost sheep.
He trusts me enough to be born into the only true church!
He places trials in my path so I can grow stronger (I don't recognize myself anymore!) and he places helpers in my path so I can succeed in life (for example Elder Masame last night)
AND he places ME here for some reason or another, So I can grow, AND help others to grow!
I know that I am weak, but the Lord is strong, and He lends me his strength, so I can pass this test, and become like him.
Alma 18:34-35
34 Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginnin g was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these th ings unto this people, that th ey may be brought to a knowled ge of that which is just and t rue;
knowledge, and also power acco
are in God.
So that's what happened this week!
Vincit Omnia Veritas
Elder A. Cook
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