I got a phone call during email, so I have been in the computer shop for an hour, and just now have a chance to write my email!
I guess the only thing we really did this week was in Baguio. My last ever chance to go to Legarda, Baguio. I will miss the rolling hills. we took the Agoo road, so we passed through ALL of my areas except one! We arrived in Baguio, and saw all of the missionaries in the mission in one room. and I don't know any of them! haha everyone I knew is already home! Then we all sat down, and heard the words of 1/6th of the quorum of the 12, and their wives! Elder Anderson the most adorable story. He met his wife when she was considering going on a mission. He said "oh! let us go together!" she got quite the mission! haha.
It is obvious that the Apostle's wives are equally as called as they are! they speak with the same kind of power :D
We were told that Elder Perry had a remarkable Spiritual experience before his death, and he said the only reason he had to go was so that there could be new Apostles. He said soon I will be joined by others of the brethren, so that they could also be replaced. Obviously the new Apostles will be simply amazing. Elder Renlund is also an amazing teacher. the Spirit flowed forth from his mouth. He is TRULY called of God, and even only 41 days after receiving that calling, he already is qualified! :D
Our lessons have been consistently better. In 9 days I will be with my new companion. we saw our branch's key indicators. Balaoan needs a lot of help. but my goal is to contact all 85 of the "prospective Elders" this is not just referring to prospective missionaries, but they are included. this also refers to Fathers and Husbands who do not yet have the blessings of the Melchizedek priesthood in their family. These families need me. I want to make a difference before I go home. I only have 6 weeks! yikes!
I had a super sad experience. maybe you remember Richard, from my 2nd area in Agoo. the old man who got baptized in just 5 weeks. He was sooooooo faithful when I was there. He said because of the gospel he didn't need his cane anymore ! I thought his faith was strong. then he had a stroke and disappeared. the Elders couldn't find him. turns out he went to a hospital in the next province. when he returned, he wont come to church. he tells the Elders "I already know everything" I was heart broken.
but I could hold on to one hope. In Tublay, the family we baptized. (the only FAMILY of my mission) is SUPER active, even now. that's what I need to hear. :D
Have a great week! We will see in 10 years whether or not they could endure to the end :D