dear everyone. I ran out of time last night to write. I DO have an excellent story to tell though. I have a close friend going through a hard time, I fasted to know what I can say to all of you to help with anything going on in your life. I hope this story helps:
for 4 days we did not get a water delivery. my personal water filter decided to go bad at this time as well, The first day was not so bad, because we had a little left over water. We were all using one filter between us, and the water still tasted funny, so we didn't trust it too much. we were getting about half as much water as we need. one sister just got back from the hospital with kidney stones, so no one wanted to drink soda. finally, we decided to switch delivery men, but when we text-ed them, we got no reply. we finally found someone and we were so happy. The day after was fast Sunday I believe I have described in the past how hard fasting can be... It is hot and it is humid, and we sweat about 2 liters a day, not to mention what we urinate! Saturday, at the last meal, I downed four and a half liters to prepare myself. But you lose a lot of water sleeping, so come time to close, we were all close to exhaustion. dehydration makes you drowsy by the way.
I had prepared a liter of water in the refrigerator for just this occasion! I opened the bottle, put that beautiful chill to my lips, and felt the most refreshing feeling I have had in recent memory! As I was thus pondering, What can I say? A distant memory came to mind "When was the last time you appreciated water?" For those of you I have shared that sentence with in the past, you know that this is an important key phrase for me. It represents gratitude for everything you are blessed with, and as such, giving everything you have got to Christ. "When you sweep your kitchen, sweep unto the Lord!" Everything we do can be for our learning, and His glory, if we do it with an eye single to the Lord. so I'll ask again: "when was the last time you appreciated water?"
Vincit Omnia Veritas
Elder A. Cook